NLO send Ogunnowo, others to Sports business refresher course

In its quest to make the Nationwide League One a more valuable asset and attract corporate sponsors/partners, top management staff of the NLO will be seeking academic knowledge and skills to pursue global business.
They will, on Tuesday, November 12, through Friday, November 14, attend a 3-day Refresher course in Sports Business Administration.
Attending the course are the Chief Operating Officer (COO), Olushola Ogunnowo, Temitayo Egbayelo (League Manager), and Tunde Shamsudeen, the NLO’s Media Director.
The course curriculum includes administration and operations, digital branding and corporate communications, stakeholder management, and sports marketing and sponsorship.
Ogunnowo, who spoke with the NLO Media Channel, said: “Sports business is a thriving multi-million dollar industry that is set to grow exponentially in Africa. At the NLO, we are posied to seeing clubs make good returns from their investments.
“Unfortunately, with more than 300 clubs, football academies, and overwhelming talents, the NLO remains the biggest league in Africa, yet the business part of the sport is untapped.
“Looking at the growing number of the clubs and academies, the NLO I would say is in its exciting stages of its development, so we don’t want to leave nothing to chance to ensure.
“One of the essence of this refresher training courses is to take us back to basics so we can review fundamentals we may have forgotten or upskill on new information we may be unaware of.
“It will help increase effefficiency, knowledge retention, and our awareness of new football business trends.”