A step by step on how to sell on Jeva Store

Looking to get your products to more customers? Jeva Store is here to provide a platform for sellers to advertise and sell their products to a wider audience. Sign up yourself in 5 minutes to sell on Jeva Store
Becoming a vendor is a seamless process with Jeva Store’s self signup process where you can become a vendor in less than 5 minutes.
Selling on Jeva Store comes with many benefits:
Ø Wide Nationwide access
Ø Ease of product delivery to the client
Ø 24/7 Customer support
Ø Lowest Commission rate
Ø Convenient product management
Ø Data analysis and marketing
Ø 50% discount on commission rates for the first 30 days following registration
Sign up in 6 simple steps:
Step 1: Visit www.jevastore.com Go to “Vendor Center” at the top right of the website.
Step 2: Go to Register and select the option that best suits you either as a Regular, Wholesale or Global seller.
Step 3: Fill in the form accurately with your prospective shop details and submit
Step 4: Fill in appropriate financial information then submit
Step 5: Fill in your appropriate shop information. Now your shop is ready.
Step 6: Go to the Dashboard, select add new product and add as many products as possible
Click here to sign up and be on your way to becoming a Jeva Store millionaire partner.