Black Stallions Player Sunday Bassey Wins Award, Wants Rugby League’s Return

Black Stallions and Cowrie RFC player Sunday Bassey has been honoured with a prestigious award at the first Mixkid Golden Record International Award held in Lagos.
Bassey was celebrated with both the Best Protocol Service of the Year and the Best Bouncer of the Year Awards.
He became the first in Africa to be bestowed with the accolades.
“The award means a lot to me,” he confessed, “because”, he continued, “it is a proud reminder of the product of my hard work and dedication. I’ll always advise the youths out there to keep at what they’re doing because we’re all being watched and put respect first in anything they’re doing in life, and their products of success like mine, can be achieved too.”
Big Sunny as he is fondly called is known for his power-play as a forward for both club and country. He however, said he was disappointed with the long absence of Nigeria Rugby Football League since it was stopped in 2019 due to COVID-19 pandemic.
“I really miss the Nigerian Rugby league! Bringing Nigerian Rugby back to the timeline is a treasure to all Nigerian Rugby players.”
First is to have more Rugby events around Nigeria, and second is to take Rugby to people not waiting for people to come play Rugby, because Rugby is not as popular as football in Nigeria. There are many people out there who don’t really know if rugby is in the country, we have to enlighten them as this will really help to boost the awareness of the sport!” he concluded.