
NDDC and sustainable development, stakeholders roadmap

From Everest Ezihe, Port Harcourt

For four days, that is between Wednesday 10th July – Saturday 13th July, 2024, Port Harcourt, the capital city of Rivers State was agog with personalities who were critical stakeholders in the businesses of Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC.

The event which attracted over 3,000 participants from different critical sectors of the nation’s socioeconomic activities was the 2024 Niger Delta Summit, organized by the leadership of NDDC with the theme : Renewed Hope for Sustainable Development Of The Niger Delta.

It was a time of stock taking, appraisal and road map for the new leadership of the Commission, being piloted by Mr. Chinedu Ebie and Chief Samuel Ogbuku, Ph.D, the Chairman Governing Board and Managing Director respectively, by critical stakeholders of the Commission, especially the 9 States of the Federation that constituted major beneficiaries of the Commission’s socioeconomic agenda in developments and transformations of the Niger Delta region.

These major stakeholders are Abia, Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross Rivers, Delta and Edo States. Other States include Imo, Ondo and Rivers States as the event commenced with well attended technical session on Wednesday 10Th July at cuisine environment of JS Signature Hotel GRA Port Harcourt, with galaxy of participants drawn across the 9 benefitting States, that includes traditional rulers, world class professionals, politicians, security agencies, youth and women groups, top government officials, foreigners, captains of industries, contractors, the media, cultural troupes among other eminent stakeholders.

Mr. Chinedu Ebie, the Chairman, Governing Board of NDDC in his welcome address, noted the gathering as a crucial step in addressing the enduring challenges of the Niger Delta and provision of sustainable development.

” Our primary aim is to come together as leaders and key stakeholders from various sectors and ethnic nationalities to collaboratively develop and implement strategies for sustainable development of the region in line with Our theme – Renewed Hope for the Sustainable Development of the Niger Delta”.

Ebie recalled that, on the 16th of November, 2023, the Honourable Minister for Niger Delta Development, Engr. Abubakar Momoh inaugurated them, that he charged them to be part of the Renewed Hope Agenda of his Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu which borders on 8 Presidential Priorities and must work towards delivery in those areas.

” This summit is a testament to our shared commitment to our President vision and our Honourable Minister’s charge. Your presence symbolizes our united efforts to transform the Niger Delta. We’re dedicated to setting the region on a path of sustainability and growth.

“By fostering comprehensive engagement, we will accurately identify key issues and craft solutions that reflect the true needs and realities of the region’s people.

” The progress we envision for the Niger Delta is integral to our nation’s broader goals, aligning seamlessly with the 8 priorities of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration. Our region is rich and versatile, brimming with untapped potentials. We must harness this potential and set the Niger Delta region on a path to sustainable development. Together, let us transform our region and realize it’s full potential “.

The Managing Director pointed out that the management is committed to a transformed narrative, where collective action and dedication are the prerequisites for genuine progress in the region.

He insisted that convening of the Summit is intentional because the participants contribution and insight are vital, so that, their policies and projects are well-informed and receive the necessary support for successful implementations.

Ebie further observed that the Summit is more than a conference, because it’s a call for action and canvassed on the need for the participants to embrace the task with all amount of seriousness, creativity, and unity of purpose it demands.

Together, he assured, of creating a meaningful and lasting change for the region and chart the course towards a revitalized Niger Delta region that fulfills it’s immense potential.

Adding his voice, Chief Samuel Ogbuku PhD, the Managing Director of NDDC observed that his administration will focus on continuous engagement with various strata of the Commission’s Stakeholders, so as to understand the needs of the people of the region.

According to the administrative icon, ” we will chart a new course for the region. The Summit is a yardstick for feed back and possibly finding ways of improvement in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. It will not just be an interaction with individuals, but an open interaction with members of the National Assembly, Minister’s from the region, and the private sectors, to discuss the Niger Delta and the mechanisms for effective delivery of services and projects.

” For instance, we will explore means of reducing recurrent expenditure. While we focus on completing capital projects, only projects that add value to the Niger Delta region will be approved. Our commitment is to work together towards transforming the region, in accordance with the 8 Point Presidential Priorities, and the demands of the NDDC Act of 2000.

Ogbuku informed that the Niger Delta, is a pivotal region in Nigeria’s economy, due to its vast oil and gas resources makes it to stands at a crucial crossroads.

He also observed that, despite the region’s substantial contributions to the national economy, the region still faces significant social economic disparities, environmental degradation, and infrastructural deficits which he described as being unfortunate.

These challenges he maintained echoed the concerns addressed in the Willink’s Commission Report of 1958, which truly underscored the necessity of protecting minority rights, promoting development in marginalized areas, and ensuring equitable resource distribution.

The Managing Director also opined that the Summit will be tailored on three critical objectives; that’s, developing strategies for economic growth, translating the Renewed Hope Agenda and articulating a roadmap for sustainable development.

In his opening remarks, the Chairman of the occasion, Senator Hope Uzodimma, MON, the Governor of Imo State who is also the Chairman, Niger Delta Governor’s Advisory Committee and was ably represented by his Deputy, Mrs. Chinyere Ekomaru, PhD insisted that the Summit, represents a pivotal moment for the region.

Uzodimma advanced on the need to engage in constructive dialogue, implementing innovative solutions, and embracing a shared commitment to progress, so as to create a more prosperous, equitable, and environmentally sustainable region for all.

He enjoined the participants that there participation and support are essential in turning the vision into a reality and advised on the need for unity of purpose as a catalyst towards building a stronger, and more resilient future for the region.

Comrade Jonathan Okpobie, the President of Niger Delta Youths Assembly observed that,the problem of Nigeria Delta are enormous and the involvement of youths in the leadership of the Commission should be applauded.

Okpobie advised on the need for the meeting to articulate the common problems effecting the populace of the region, especially as it concerns the extent of infrastructural decay in the region especially her roads network.

He passionately appealed to the Federal Government on the urgent need to rehabilitate and reconstruct roads in Niger Delta region, especially the East West road, describing the roads as “deplorable, death traps and journey to hell” even as he called for regular interactions with the Commission and other agencies of the Federal Government that has something to do with the development of the region.

Mrs Ann-Luk Briggs, Leader Women of Niger Delta region commended the board for giving women prides of place in all their decisions taking noting the Commission as an interventionistic agency.

Briggs lamented against some misconception of the Commission as a developmental agency based on the conception of the name.

She orchestrated the need for other agencies of the Federal Government especially those of them in charge of petroleum, gas etc to take a queue from the Commission and call meeting of the stakeholders so as to brain storm on their activities as it affected the masses of the region.

The Environmentalist made it point blank that the Commission which was created during the civilian regime of President Olusegun Obasanjo was created not out of the love, the President holds for the people but out of decisive agitations by the people of Niger Delta, a lot of the agitators, she said were there at the summit and many paid the supreme prizes.

Briggs also insisted that NDDC and the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs are not a gift to the people just as the Amnesty programme.

According to her,”some people believed that the Commission and its collaborative partners were created to instilled calmness and peace within the region which is elusive and deceit”.

She canvassed against ignoring women in the discussion of things affecting the region noting that the region has women of substantive capacities capabilities in all spheres of leaderships, and should never be ignored.

The Amazon emphatically stated the resolved of women of the region to be dedicated in matters concerning the growth and development of the region.

Mr. Desmond Darlington, the representative of Niger Delta indigenous Contractors Association and the Contractors Association of NDDC, expressed gratitude to all the participants of the Summit saying the essence of the Summit is for them to come together to champion the growth and development of the region.

The Chairman reassured of the commitment of the participants in fostering deliberations that would be in the overall interest of the region as it concerns its environment, sustainable development and the need for inclusive participation in shaping the future of the region.

Darlington reiterated his organizations willingness in advancing the courses for the growth and development of the region.

According to him, ” it’s our believe that through open, cheerful and constructive dialogue, we can address the challenges facing the region and work towards actionable solutions, in which there will be an ever lasting and positive impacts. with committed efforts and commitment to excellence, it will be instrumental in driving progress and prosperity in the Niger Delta region” he observed.

He commended the management of the board of NDDC for putting the Summit together as well as the participants for their unwavering support and dedication to the betterment of the region .

“Together we can create a better future for the Niger Delta people, looking forward for engaging in meaningful discussions, sharing their perceptives and collaborating with all the stakeholders so as to achieve the common goal. May this Summit be a catalyst for unity, progress and transformative changes in the Niger Delta” he prayed.

In his contribution, Chief Jasper Jumbo, informed that as one of the finding fathers of NDDC that he wrote the Commission’s blue print and passed alot of persecutions from the Federal Government demanding for the upgrading of OMPADEC to a Commission.

Jumbo lamented that It’s an eye sour for the Federal Government to owe the Commission over three trillion Naira from their statutory fiscal allocations and expect the Commission to operate optimally.

He said it with an ultimatum asking the Federal Government to pay the Commission all her statutorily outstanding funds to enable the Commission pay her accumulated indebtedness to their various contractors.

The social crusader passionately advanced the Federal Government to fine a way and pay the Commission all their statutory indebtedness so that the Commission will execute its social responsibilities including the youths, saying his views is the position of the founding father’s of the region.

“Secondly, it’s unfair that the South East Development Commission is getting 3% of VAT without similar gesture been extended to the Commission.

” It’s as a right that through the funding provisions of NDDC they should also be given 3% of the VAT. This is our position, this supercedes any other thing we are doing here, this is the main trust, any other thing they are doing apart from these fundamental issues are palliatives.

“Let NDDC have the money and let us see how they will not give us legacy projects. We have full confidence in this Board, apart from when Timi Alaribe was here, this is the best Board ever constituted since inception of NDDC.

“By my nature am not saying this to praise them, if they are not doing well I will tell them in their face, after all, they’re all my children by my age, don’t mind am looking like bobo. It’s annoying that 90% of the resources used in developing Lagos and Abuja are from the oil in our backyards, am from Bonny and am talking authoritatively, we are owners of the resources, go and tell them we’re owners of the oil resources.

“How many of them are owners and developers of oil and mineral resources ? No concrete development in our areas, we are demanding the fair sharing as a product of right, we don’t need to beg them. It’s an issue of right based on natural justice and fairness.

“I mobilized for Mr. President and the Governor, am the Acting National Chairman of Presidential Advisory Committee, we did all we did not for selfish interest but in the believe and support of the Renewed Hope Agenda, and the Renewed Hope Agenda must be able to translate into democratic dividends, if and only if, they released the needed money to NDDC” he pointed out.

In his contributions, Senator Emmanuel ibok Eshiet, National Chairman of OMPADEC also commended the Board and management of NDDC for visionary and focused leadership, and that he was Deputy Chief Whip of the Senate when the law establishing the Commission for the progress and development of Niger Delta region was made.

Eshiet recalled that, “President Olusegun Obasanjo for reasons best known to him then, vehemently refused to sign the bill establishing the Commission into law, thus, those of us from the Niger Delta region in the Senate pleaded with our colleagues to over ride that vote and incidentally, I was the one that led the walk out in the Senate of Federal Republic of Nigeria, before our colleagues pleaded with us and agreed to over ride that veto.

“Honestly, I want to say the ideals of the law establishing NDDC have not been achieved, partly because of underfunding and management issues, thus why, I want to commend the Board and Management for what they are doing to redeem that efficiency.

“I am joining the traditional rulers to plead with Mr. President to release all the outstanding statutory money owe to the Commission which is over 3 trillion Naira. It’s unfair to setup an agency and not funding it and you expect the agency to operate optimally.

“Niger Delta region is bedeviled with a lot of issues. The master plan for the region cannot be implemented, there supposed to be regional projects for NDDC, cutting across all the States of the region and that have not been achieved because of lack of funds, am pleading with the Federal Government on the need to optimally fund NDDC, even if it demands borrowing so that the Commission will achieve its social responsibilities and obligations. NDDC should not be strangulated or stifled with single treasury account” he pleaded.

HRM Eze Dr. Emmanuel Asor the Secretary General of the Traditional Rulers of Niger Delta Oil Producing Communities and the traditional ruler of Asaa Awara community in Ohaji Egbema local government area of Imo State maintained the clarion call for priority attention in the growth and development of the region.

The reverred traditional ruler inform that the region, strategically contributes over 70% of the resources used in the development of the nation asking the management of NDDC to go back and start the implementation of the Commission’s Master Plan.

He expressed worries that as one time representative of Imo State in NDDC Board that they painstakingly produced the region’s developmental master plan but regretted that the Master Plan is been neglected by subsequent boards and managements.

Asor insisted that if the master plan is religiously followed no part of the region will talk of under development nor marginalization.

He also decried the idea of seeing NDDC Board as a political issue, in which every government that comes will intend to dissolve them and reconstitute, the board is statutory with tenure and should be respected no matter the government that comes in.

“As an interventionistic agency, NDDC is there for infrastructural development. The Presidency should see that the board is not tampered with until they complete their tenure unless if they were found wanting”.

Asor also canvassed on the need to address abandoned projects noting that he left the Commission in 2009 and all the projects, they embarked upon then,were all abandoned. These projects he said were more than 500 and some of them where removed from the budget and those that are there, have no budgetary provisions.

“It’s imperative for the management to look into this. Moreso, all the regional projects should not be abandoned, this one of the fundamental ways of getting the region developed”.

He pointed out that the Monarchs of the region are major beneficiaries of the projects and should be consulted in whatever they are doing in there domain so that they will be in tuned with the feelings of the people and youths restiveness will be a thing of the past.

Asor further lamented that, “the youths of the region are crying so much and enduring alot, because when you visit Abuja and other areas of the nation and see the quotum level of infrastructural developments and transformations while the Niger Delta region that lays the golden eggs remains an abject of poverty and mockery in terms of infrastructural developments, transformations and growth, as human being, you will be subjected to grievances and annoyances”.

The Royal Father added his voice in asking the Federal Government to offset all her monetary obligations to the Commission noting that it’s a bad precedent that right from the inception of the maiden Board and Management of the Commission, the Federal Government is owing the Commission heavily and no meaningful project can be executed without funding.

The Royal Father observed that the Managing Director and the Board cannot use their blood to develop the region, informing that the Commission is always under pressure because every body is on them and people are blackmailing them of embezzlement, asking how one can eat money he doesn’t have? .

“Money can not be eating raw, you must embark on projects and cautioned the Federal Government against constitution of caretaker or interim management committee”.

Hon. Kasiru Lekan, Deputy Chairman House Committee on NDDC, in his good will message on behalf of the leadership of the House of Representatives described the summit as important and timely, noting that last Tuesday the board and management members of the Commission appeared before the House Committee.

He informed that the level of collaboration was encouraging, and that shows positive future for the Commission.

Lekan also informed that earlier, the budget of the Commission never sees the light of the day but given assurances that henceforth the Commission’s budget will receive accelerated passage and funds released.

The Law maker commended President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, for choosing men of implicit integrity and patriotism as the Board and Management members of the Commission.

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