PATERNITY CASE: Ex-Super Eagles Star Denies Ukrainian Ghost Lady, Insists it’s all Blackmail

By Akeem Busari
Former Nigeria international player and ex-Dynamo Kyiv star, Brown Ideye, has responded to the alleged paternity case made against him by a Ukrainian lady, Yana Voloshchenko.
In her story that went viral on the internet, she had accused Ideye of fathering and abandoning her with three children without any care and child support.
Reacting from his Al-Yarmouk SC Kuwaiti club base, the former West Bromwich Albion attacker told this writer that he has never in his life met, seen or had any form of contact with the said Ukrainian lady, including all through the time he spent in Ukraine with his wife and children.
According to him, “As a consummate professional, my routine has always been strictly centered around club activities, gym, and family, with little or no time and space for external socializing, talk-less of having an undercover extra marital affairs over a span of time that can produce three kids with all the media attention on me as one of the biggest players then in Ukraine and subsequently at other countries where I also played.”
Declaring the alleged paternity claims as spurious and blatant attempts to blackmail and wean money from him, Ideye traced this conspiracy back to his big money signing for Dynamo Kiev and then West Bromwich in 2012. He therefore suspects a connivance between this person, that’s if she really exists, and a few Nigerian acquaintances he was helping financially, until he had to cut off from them, after some started abusing his kindness and prying into his private family affairs.
He recounted further that immediately afterwards, suddenly a strange story started flying around about a woman claiming to have had a child for him, then increasing to two children, and now three kids with petition and obviously forged documents and passports being spread over a script he has no idea about.
Ideye reacting further out of obvious frustration and anger in his voice said, “these blackmailers always show up in the media and send same petition to my clubs whenever I sign a new contract, as a means of pressuring me to contact them for settlement and ransom.”
Raising a simple logic that exposes these frauds, Ideye wonders how it’s possible for any European country for that matter, to issue an International Passport to a baby or minor in the name of an alleged dad that’s even legally married to the mother, without the written consent and ID of the father in question? Thus, confirming the blackmail pictures, passports, documents, and woman and as fake.
Conclusively, Ideye appealed to Nigerians and his fans around the world, to discard and disregard this orchestrated attempt to defame and extort him.
Adding that he is just a quiet and easy going professional footballer, perhaps an introvert, whose lifestyle maybe misunderstood by many from afar.
“The few people that are truly close to me, can tell I’m a family man, that loves my wife and children. Please trust me, this is all a blackmail”.