The government of Nigeria exists for itself and not for the people

By Musa Yusuf
They said Jonathan was clueless, a term that suddenly gained credence in Nigeria. Who is clueless now?
This present government is so passive and insensitive to the point it does not know how to handle needs protest. This one is not just about EndSars, it is about the beginning of casting off the burdens that have been laddened on the future of Nigeria and its young generation.Â
There is wickedness in the land. The recycling of incompetent dead woods who did nothing to make our country great, prior, are now touted as messiahs.
Depravity is now part of our national identity. In fact, the insults to our collective sensibilities make us a laughing stock here in the United States of America.
I think there is a concert of efforts to bring down our human capital and world-cherished intellect to the level of idiotic and deficient our leadership represents . There are lots of low-reasoned policies people contend with, yet, the elites conspire in silence and inaction.
Today, I am glad that the veil of conformity in the face of waste and corruptive exploitation is being ripped off by the young ones…the Nigerian youths.
If nothing substantial is done quickly, I see what is happening now snowballing into a revolution of sorts. It is time. The so-called lazy youths should increase their strides toward freedom, into a world where youthfulness means progress.Â
We must be free from neo-colonialist agents and build our greatness and unique identity.
Thank you, for this space.
. Yusuf, a Nigerian historian contributed this piece from the United States of America.