Covid-19: World judo champion tests positive
A day after world tennis number one Novak Djukovic disclosed he tested positive to Coronavirus another world number one, this time in Judo, Jorge Fonseca says he has equally been infected.
The Portuguese Judo champion alongside another U57kg judoka Wilsa Gomes are reported to have gone into isolation in Coimbra by AIPS.
Another nine judokas, who had a negative test, also abandoned their stay , as a preventive measure, due to the greater proximity they had with Jorge Fonseca and Wilsa Gomes.
Fonseca unveiled last year that he had been diagnosed for cancer and was struggling to get back for the World Championships, that he eventually won by surprise.
Wilsa Gomes has a Cape Verde background. The current World Champion Fonseca is 27, Gomes 22. He was born in Sao Tome and Principe (STP) in Africa and became Portugal’s first ever judo World Champion.
Wilsa represented Cape Verde Judo Federation until March 2017. She took bronze at the European U23 Championship in 2019 in Izhevsk for Portugal. Fonseca took a fifth place at the Grand Slam in Düsseldorf this year and participated at the Grand Slam in Paris. Gomes competed in Lisbon at the European Open.