Executive Board makes further progress towards clean weightlifting

The IWF Executive Board has concluded a successful meeting in Lausanne. The meeting provided a chance to reflect on a successful 2019, while looking forward to next year and the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Distinguished guests were welcome at the meeting: Mr. David Luckes, Associate Director of IOC Sport Department; Me Francois Carrard, the IWF’s Legal Advisor, Dr. Richard Young, Chairman of the Clean Sport Commission and the Independent Member Federation Sanctions Panel as well as Dr. Patrick Schamasch, Chairman of the IWF Anti-Doping Commission.
The status of the Independent Member Federations Sanctions Panel was confirmed. In order to further improve independence, it was decided that in the future ITA will be requested to deal with the appointment of Panel Members.
Mr. Brent Nowicki, Managing Counsel of CAS Anti-Doping Division (ADD) submitted a presentation to the Executive Board and, to further enhance the level of independence, the Board decided to cooperate with CAS ADD. That will ensure that only independent expert arbitrators adjudicate those cases where hearings are requested by the individuals concerned.
The Executive Board also heard representatives of the Thai Amateur Weightlifting Association (TAWA), who submitted a request to amend their Undertaking on “self-suspension” signed in March 2019. Whilst acknowledging the progress made by TAWA, the Executive Board, considering that the case initiated in Court by TAWA is not yet closed and that additional information is still expected from ITA concerning a number of individual cases, decided not to accept any modification to the Undertaking and that the Federation’s request will be considered at the next meeting.
As a consequence of the CAS decision to uphold the Independent Member Federation Sanctioning Panel’s (IMFSP) decision on the suspension of Egypt, the EB reallocated the 2020 IWF Junior World Championships that was to be held in Cairo. Among 4 strong candidates (Georgia, Tbilisi; Greece, Hersonissos; Poland, Wladyslawowo and Romania, Bucharest) the Board’s decision fell on Bucharest (14-24 March 2020).
Athlete welfare was in the focus of the Executive Board’s consideration when it laid down the foundations of Guidelines on Zero Tolerance, which aim to ensure protection from harassment and abuse, including sexual misconduct.
The Board further received updates on the Dakar 2022 Youth Olympic Games and the idea of Power Games.
“I am very pleased that the IWF Executive Board has displayed unity and wisdom when supporting the progressive proposals that confirm our commitment towards clean weightlifting, even more independence and credibility,” said IWF President Tamas Ajan.