Kukah to sympatizers as Mama Janet is buried:”We need your prayers more than your presence”

By George Aluo
Catholic Bishop of Sokoto, Most Rev Mathew Hassan Kukah has sent his words of appreciation to those who have called to sympathize with him over the death of his mother Mama Janet Hauwa Kukah, even as he urged them to kindly stay at home and pray for the family as she is buried.
The Prelate in a statement noted that given the prevailing circumstances in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, his family would want sympathizers to honor their mother and the family more by prayers than physical presence.
His statement read in part… “In the light of the prevailing circumstances and the measures and protocols put in place in the wake of Covid-19 by the Federal and State governments, I wish to appeal to all men and women of goodwill to kindly appreciate the complex nature of the situation and honour our mother and our family more by prayers than physical presence. Bishops, Traditional rulers and Priests have heeded our appeal to please kindly stay at home and pray for us.
I know that there are thousands of Nigerians from across the country who would
have loved to be with us physically to bid farewell to our Mother. However, the
present situation calls for vigilance and caution. As such, I wish to make the
following appeal to all our well-wishers.
1. The Wake keep Mass will be celebrated at St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Sabon
Tasha on Thursday July 16th, by 5pm. The funeral Mass will be held the next
day at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, Anchuna at 10am on Friday, July 17th,
2. In both Masses, limits have been set on numbers according to social distance
protocols in both Churches. Once the approved numbers have been reached,
no one will be allowed in. The few canopies outside will also be set respecting
the same protocols.
3. No one will be allowed into both Churches without a face mask.
4. Masks must be worn through-out the period of the celebrations.
5. Water and hand sanitizers will be available while thermometers will be used.
6. The final commendation is closed to the public.”