
Viable associations, key to sports development- Igali

..Charges Bayelsa T/Tennis Association to produce Olympic stars

The Commissioner of Sports Development, Bayelsa State, Daniel Igali has called on Bayelsa State Sports Associations to produce Olympic stars noting that effective and efficient associations are critical to developing the industry.

He stated this when the Bayelsa Table Tennis Association led by its chairman Ama-Ebi Ebikpolade paid him a courtesy visit in his office on Tuesday, following his re-appointment as Commissioner by Governor Douye Diri.

Daniel Igali in his remarks appreciated the Table Tennis Association for the show of solidarity while commending Ama-Ebi Ebikpolade for his passion for the sport.

Igali who used the occasion to frown at the number of Bayelsa athletes representing Nigeria at the Paris Olympics called on all the state sports associations to start the development of talents ahead of 2028 Olympics.

“On behalf of the Ministry of Sports I want to sincerely thank you for this visit and also to acknowledge your good wishes”.

“For Sports to make an impact and be what it is supposed to be to this administration, we need very viable sports associations in Bayelsa and the Table Tennis Association has been one that’s very exemplary”.

“Now, there is still a charge to you we’re going to the Olympics this year and from all I’ve seen so far Bayelsa have only two athletes who qualified to go to the Olympics and in my humble opinion the state should be far more better than that.

“We should be looking at over 10 athletes coming from the state. So every association should endeavour to produce Olympians in 2028”.

Earlier, the chairman Bayelsa State Table Tennis Association, Ama-Ebi Ebikpolade appreciated Governor Douye Diri for the reappointment of Daniel Igali whom he believes did well in his first tenure.

He noted that his return will enhance the growth of Sports in Bayelsa State.

Ama-Ebi stressed that his association plays a vital role in supporting the education of young table tennis players in the state.

According to him, the association has brought a lot of youths out of the streets and gave them a positive platform to combine education and sports by securing admissions for them in Private Universities across the country.

The highpoint of the visit was the presentation of team jersey and the association’s constitution to the Commissioner.

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